F1 代杂交种仙客来
专业种植户 | 公司新闻 | Discover the podcast of the 1st Morel webinar

公司新闻 : Discover the podcast of the 1st Morel webinar

Discover the podcast of the 1st Morel webinar about «cyclamen rooting stage»



Link to register for the next webinar “avoid traps of humidity” in September :


Enjoy the video and have a good rooting!



S.A.S Morel Diffusion

2565, rue de Montourey
83600 Fréjus - France

出口部电话 : +33 (0)4 94 19 73 04
总机 : + 33 (0)4 94 19 73 00
传真 : +33 (0)4 94 19 73 19